Ești pasionat de cartografie și GIS? Știi engleză de minim B1 la nivel oral și scris?

Ești la licență / master / doctorat în anul universitar curent 2022-2023?

Ai liberă în program perioada 25-29 septembrie, chiar înainte de începerea anului universitar la UAIC?

Dacă da, te invităm să participi la un BIP / Blended Intensive Programme (un fel de Școală intensivă de o săptămână plătită) la Universitatea din Pavia, lângă Milano IT, între 25 și 29 sept 2023, pe tema: ONEIRIC Mapping - ON-site Evaluation, Inspection and Readability Itinerary for Cognitive Mapping.

Iată descrierea completă a programului.

ONEIRIC-Mapping is about testing, applying, and improving digital skills in the field of urban mapping and documentation. The goal is to trigger interdisciplinary experiences on the implementation of digital and virtual analysis and products for urban management and valorisation. The topic focus on ways of documenting the urban areas to create a digital image of the city by drafting and interactive cognitive maps based on the skills and experiences of the universities involved. The program will be focused on frontal lectures and practical workshop activities that will involve students from different countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania) to collaborate in the challenging production of digital information and interactive maps for documentation and valorisation of the territory. By the end of the in-presence week, the students, divided into working groups, will be able to recreate an image of a portion of a city using innovative digital representations. The workshop will be divided into frontal lectures (in presence and online) to guide the students in analysing and studying the techniques of perception, representation and fast digital survey for the interpretation and description of the territory, as well as practical laboratory activities (software, digital survey instruments). The strength of the didactic experience is to develop team-building skills and deepening expertise regarding methodologies for documenting and digitally describing urban areas to understand and interpreting the identity and changes of a territory.

Activities will focus on:

• importance of a digital documentation project for the maintenance of an urban area;

• analysis of data acquired with digital survey and data management protocols, using digital fast survey technologies;

• development of conceptual maps capable of synthesising the perceived values and criticalities of the city;

• tools for virtually visiting the city implementable with layers of informative contents for the built and urban heritage enhancement, valorisation, and dissemination. Schematic structure of the course (4 ECTS certified by the University of Pavia):

• 6 hours of online meetings held both previously and after the in-presence work week. Preliminary online lectures will aim to introduce students to the software environment they will be working with, whereas those held afterwards will aim to resolve any possible doubts that may have arisen in view of drafting the final experience review.

• 1 day of lectures/conference (by professor/researcher of the different universities).

• Technical visit to the city of Pavia. • 3 days of laboratory activities and practice on the topic of the ONEIRIC Mapping project, concerning fast survey post-processing, map drafting, and experimenting with virtual sightseeing.

• 1 day for the final discussion and closing event. Program: The in presence working sessions of the BIP ONEIRIC Mapping are part of the 2nd edition of the Digital Architecture Week in Pavia from Sept. 25th to 29th, 2023.

Susținerea financiară de către UAIC pentru mâncare și cazare, prin programul Erasmus Short Study este de 490 de euro. Susținerea financiară de către UAIC pentru transportul Iași - Pavia și retur, prin proiectul european EC2U, este de maxim de 400 de euro, în funcție de costul real al biletelor de transport (Avion Iași IAS - Milano Bergamo BGY + trenuri Bergamo stazione - Milano Centrale - Pavia). Dacă ești decis, trimite CV-ul tău îngrijit în Engleză și Scrisoarea de motivație în Română și Engleză, semnate indescrifrabil și datate (motivând ce vă recomandă concret pentru un asemenea proiect, nu doar bla-bla-uri copiate de pe net), la email Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. până cel târziu vineri 08 septembrie la orele 11:00!