
First stage (2023):

Linear, bi- and multi-variate statistical analysis; elaboration of lists with potential spatial databases at global, European, national and Iasi county level;

Second stage (2024):

Finalization of potential spatial databases at global, European, national and Iasi county levels.

This project aims to reach three objectives closely related to three work packages in the Horizon contract “Platform for helping small and medium farmers to incorporate digital technology for equal opportunities”. The work packages impose a significant work load for the team of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi in the first 14 months, namely: WP2 User needs & impact assessment (related to the needs of geospatial data, particularly data referring to natural hazards); WP3 Global geo-data harvesting (related to the preparation of the spatial datasets specific to the farming system no. 5, namely Iasi County), and WP7 Exploitation and dissemination.


  • Mihai Ciprian Mărgărint Ciprian
  • Mihai Niculiță Mihai
  • Lilian Niacșu Lilian
  • Andra Cosmina Albulescu Cosmina
  • Contact Us

    For details on the project, you can contact the project manager from the partner Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi.