Special sessions

SS 01. Contemporary Research on Transport Geography


Frédéric DOBRUSZKES (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Mihail EVA (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași)

We are pleased to invite all scholars to submit an abstract to present their ongoing or recent research on transport geography.

All spaces/places, all scales (from the local to the global), all epistemological approaches, all methods (including quantitative vs qualitative vs mixed) and all transport modes are welcome.

However, we insist that the session is a transport geography session and not a general transport studies session. Therefore, authors are encouraged to briefly highlight the geographical nature of their proposed contribution.

Presentations can be delivered in English.

SS 02.  Driving Socio-Economic Development in a Turbulent World


Alexandra SANDU (Cardiff University)

 Globalisation has been a driving force behind the rapid changes and uncertainties in the world today. While it has brought about increased economic integration and cultural exchange, it has also led to growing inequalities and disparities. Moreover, the global economic system has become increasingly vulnerable to shocks and crises, as evidenced by the 2008 financial crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing military conflicts.

Demographic shifts are further complicating the socio-economic landscape. Aging populations, urbanisation, and migration are transforming societies in many parts of the world. International migration, in particular, is reshaping the social and economic fabric of both sending and receiving countries, with profound implications for socio-economic development. Amid these shifts, education and human capital development have emerged as critical drivers of progress, as in today’s knowledge-based economy, having a skilled workforce is essential for boosting productivity, innovation, and competitiveness.

Given these realities, driving socio-economic development has become an increasingly complex endeavour in an era of rapid change and global uncertainties. This special session aims to provide a platform for sharing insights on navigating the challenges and opportunities amid widespread uncertainties. It will bring together scholars from diverse backgrounds to explore the multifaceted nature of socio-economic development, welcoming both theoretical and empirical research papers that examine the conflicts and opportunities arising in these turbulent times.

Presentations can be delivered in either English or French.

SS 03. Emerging Trends in Destination Management: Pioneering the Future of Tourism


Carlos COSTA (University of Aveiro)
Margarida CUNHA (University of Aveiro)

This session seeks to explore the multifaceted aspects of destination management in the context of future challenges and sustainability. By examining innovative strategies, sustainable practices, and the adaptability required to manage destinations effectively, we aim to analyse the comprehensive dimensions involved in ensuring the resilience and allure of tourist destinations. The discourse will cover a range of topics, including the balance between tourism development and environmental conservation, the integration of community engagement, and the economic viability of sustainable practices. This session aims to provide new insights into destination management, exploring cutting-edge methods to maintain and enhance the appeal of tourist destinations while ensuring their long-term ecological and societal well-being. Your contribution is pivotal to advancing the discourse on innovative and sustainable tourism practices. Both theoretical and empirical backgrounds are welcomed. The main research areas of this Special Session include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

• Innovations in destination management

• Technology in destination management

• Sustainable management practices

• Challenges and solutions in tourist destination management

• Adaptive strategies for resilient destination management

• Strategies for sustainability and growth

• Engaging communities in sustainable destination practices

• Role of local governments in tourism

• Policy and political engagement in promoting sustainable destinations

• Cultural heritage and sustainability

• Marketing strategies for sustainable destinations

• Visitor management and overcrowding.

Presentations can be delivered in English.

SS 04. Wellbeing, economic freedom, democracy and sustainability: Theoretical developments and territorial perspectives


Peter Nijkamp (Open University of the Netherlands)
Corneliu Iațu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi)
Mihaela Clincu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi)

Well-being, influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors, is a resource for daily life, enabling quality of life and contributions to society. Sustainable and inclusive economic growth supports the well-being by addressing inequalities and influences of socioeconomic conditions at individual and community level.

This special session addresses the well-being through a “beyond-GDP” approach, focusing on economic growth, inclusiveness and sustainability from a spatial perspective. The session will tackle limitations of conventional economic well-being assessment by addressing interconnected factors of well-being determinants given by economic freedom, democracy and sustainability frameworks. This session will explore theoretical developments and how these concepts manifest in different territorial contexts, policy implications and strategies for fostering sustainable well-being.

The special session will be organised within the project SAGES: Spatial Analysis of Growth, Environment and Sustainable Well-being – project code CF 20/27.07.2023, contract no. MCID – DGGCPNRR 760275/26.03.2024, financed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Call no. PNRR-III-C9-2023 – I8_runda 2

Presentations can be delivered in English.

SS 05. Developpement local durable, innovation sociale et résilience territoriale


Jean-Paul Carrière (Université „François-Rabelais” de Tours)
Abdelillah Hamdouch  (Université „François-Rabelais” de Tours)
Corneliu Iaţu (Université „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” de Iaşi)

La « mise en territoire » du développement durable implique de repenser les périmètres de l’action publique et requiert de nouveaux modes de gouvernance, et à ce titre implique des démarches résolument innovantes, qui peuvent inclure, par exemple, de nouvelles formes de partenariat et de coopération interterritoriales, telles que les « contrats de réciprocité » en France. Dans cette perspective, l’ouverture de la problématique du DLD sur la question des rapports entre innovation et développement local dans une perspective de durabilité apparaît importante. Analyser en quoi et comment l’innovation peut contribuer à rendre effectives des perspectives de transition vers de nouvelles trajectoires de développement au sein des territoires locaux et régionaux nécessite d’aborder la question de l’innovation de la façon la plus large possible, d’où un nécessaire élargissement de la vision schumpeterienne traditionnelle en envisageant l’innovation de façon multidimensionnelle, aussi bien sur les  plans technologique, organisationnel, institutionnel et social. La typologie des innovations à considérer dans le cadre de l’atelier est donc très large et non fermée, pouvant inclure aussi bien des innovations relatives aux activités locales, que celles concernant l’organisation territoriale ou la gouvernance locale. L’innovation sociale comme levier de développement local durable, ou encore la créativité en matière de planification territoriale, constituent des entrées analytiques stimulantes pour comprendre comment l’innovation peut alimenter des processus de développement territorial résilient dans un contexte d’incertitude et de concurrence interterritoriale aiguisée. De même, en dépit de certains raccourcis conceptuels et analytiques, les approches en termes de ville ou classe « créative », ou encore en termes de « ville intelligente »,  peuvent alimenter de manière très utile la réflexion sur la manière dont l’innovation (sous toutes ses formes) rend les territoires durables, cohésifs, résilients, notamment dans les aires fortement urbanisées, mais également dans les espaces périurbains et ruraux.

Il est donc attendu de cette session thématique qu’elle puisse rendre compte de la diversité des innovations dont les territoires locaux sont le réceptacle et qui participent d’une démarche de durabilité et de résilience. Peuvent ainsi entrer ainsi dans le champ de l’atelier aussi bien des réflexions de caractère théorique concernant la place de l’innovation (en particulier sociale et institutionnelle) dans la conception même du DLD, que la présentation d’expérimentations et/ou d’actions innovatrices s’inscrivant dans une démarche de durabilité mise en œuvre au plan local. A cet égard, peut être pris en compte tout terrain d’observation, de l’échelle méso- à l’échelle micro-territoriale, de la région métropolitaine au territoire micro-local, dans les pays développés comme ceux en développement ou en transition.

Les présentations se dérouleront en français.

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