The year 2023 marks the celebration of 150 years since the birth of Emmanuel de Martonne, a prominent personality of the world geography. Emmanuel de Martonne is famous for his remarkable work which comprises approximately 70 publications (articles, books, studies), and in his works Romania stands out as an important field of study. Besides these works, there are many conferences about Romania to which he participated, conferences held both in Romania and abroad. It is also worth mentioning that the contribution of the French geographer to the Paris Peace Treaty was special. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, Dimitrie Cantemir International Geographical Seminar proposes a special session dedicated to the eminent geographer Emmanuel de Martonne, given that the professional and amicable ties with the University of Iasi were rather intense. As such, he visited the University of Iasi at least four times and he received the title of Doctor honoris causa of this University in 1938. We therefore invite you to propose communications that have as their main subject Emmanuel de Martonne and his work. Communication proposals will be sent to the following address:
Important dates
June 20, 2024Sending special session proposals
June 30, 2024Notifications regarding the acceptance of special session proposals and the launch of the call for communications (summaries)
September 20, 2024Deadline for submitting proposals for communications (abstracts)
September 27, 2024Extended deadline for communication submission
October 1, 2024Notification of authors' acceptance of proposed communications (abstracts)
October 17-20, 2024Conference days: speeches, plenary communications, parallel sessions, field applications