
The XLIVth Edition of the International Geographical Seminar “Dimitrie Cantemir” will take place between October 17-20, 2024. The event will be organised jointly with the XIth Sino-European Tourism Conference and the XVth  International Academic Conference on Tourism.

Welcome to the XLIVth Edition of the International Geographical Seminar “Dimitrie Cantemir”, the XIth Sino-European Tourism Conference and the XVth  International Academic Conference on Tourism!

The works of the International Geographic Seminar “Dimitrie Cantemir” are a traditional event of the Department of Geography of the University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” in Iasi. The seminar was organized for the first time within the Geographical Society “Dimitrie Cantemir”, founded in 1930, at the same time as the creation of the Iasi branch of geography of the Romanian Academy. A few years later, in 1937, the first volume of the Geographical Seminar Works “Dimitrie Cantemir” appeared, a journal that continues to publish important scientific contributions signed by both Romanian and foreign researchers.

  • 10 thematic sessions
  • Special sections – which can be proposed until June 20, 2024 at the e-mail address: ciatu@uaic.ro
  • Thematic workshops – which can be proposed until June 30, 2024 at the e-mail address: ciatu@uaic.ro

Proposals for submissions (abstracts) can be submitted online by completing the Registration Form. Submitting the works requires choosing the desired section in advance (for more details on the thematic and special sections see the Sections page).



Organisateur principal du colloque 

Université « Alexandru Ioan Cuza » de Iasi

Département de Géographie

Président du comité d’organisation: Prof. univ. dr. Corneliu Iațu

E-mail: ciatu@uaic.ro

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